Launch Party with Apple Pie
When you call your company 3Develop and you were already planning to start a few weeks before Christmas, December 3rd is of course the best day. 3Develop, 3 December, you will never forget that date. And also that apple pie became historic.
Baking pies is not part of 3Develop’s core business. And yet the first product was an apple pie that was cut on December 3 at about three o’clock at the launch party of the new company. The pie, in which the 3Develop logo was incorporated, tasted excellent. It was suggested on social media that it was burned but no, I would rather describe it as well-done.
There were some friends, there were some ex-colleagues (actually also friends) from my last employer, Royal HaskoningDHV. There was a 1 year old girl who knocked over a vase of flowers, but that was my own fault as the table the vase was on was not very stable.
I just took the vase incident as a good omen. And not entirely unjustly, because although in 2013 it was by no means certain that 3Develop would last longer than the six months that the UWV (the Employees Insurance Agency) allowed me to try it, my business seems to be on track for reaching its tenth anniversary.

The photo of the apple pie became the historic first picture on my blog. In the very first blog post. Back then, my blog posts usually consisted of one image and one line of text. I clearly had yet to find my form; the elaborate and richly illustrated stories would come later.
You should actually clean up such old blog posts after all these years, if only for reasons of search engine optimization. But yeah, I’m not going to throw such a legendary photo in the trash, of course. It is and remains the first photo on my blog; I only provided it with some historical interpretation…