Tagged: time

Styled world map of time zones, in all hues of the colorwheel as well as a relief effect

Mapping the World’s Time Zones

A world map showing only the time zones; just the borders between those zones, without any context. It creates a somewhat confusing image: straight lines that occasionally form right angles and suddenly turn into messy winding lines. But then suddenly you spot it: coastlines and national borders, Iceland, India, Argentina. With some colors added, such a map seemed like a nice addition to my collection of world maps. But before that map was finished, I discovered some fascinating facts about international timekeeping. Full and half hours How many time zones are there on our planet? Twenty-four, you might think, one… Read More

Close-up of a bollard between the cobble stones on the quay of Wilhelmina Pier in Rotterdam, The Netherlands with in the background a fiery sunset over Charlois neighbourhood

The Earliest Sunset and the Shortest Day

The shortest day: every autumn, it’s something to look forward to. From 21 December, the days will lengthen again. But in fact, it’s a little more complicated: the earliest sunset is more than a week before the shortest day. And that’s good news. Harbinger of spring This will be an encouraging post for everyone with a winter depression. And in fact for everyone who passionately longs for the spring, and who doesn’t? I can appreciate a bit of snow and ice, but I’m certainly not fond of the dark, the humidity and the chillyness of winter in the region where… Read More

Map of Europe with the 30 countries that use the Central European Time

Daylight Saving Time: a Graphic Argument

For decades it seemed to be one of the untouchable certainties of existence: Daylight Saving Time. At the end of March we move the clock one hour ahead and at the end of October we put it back again. Lovely long and light summer evenings, everybody happy. Survey European Commission chairman Jean-Claude Juncker put an end to that certainty on 31 August 2018. He mentioned a survey that supposedly showed that a majority of Europeans want to get rid of the clock shift. “People want it, so we’re going to do it,” Juncker said firmly. Those people, however, turned out… Read More